Because preterm delivery is a serious pregnancy complication that can have devastating effects. It can result in developmental disorders, and it is a major cause of infant deaths during the first month.
In approximately 50% of preterm deliveries, the mother has experienced preterm contractions. Although half of pregnant women complain about preterm contractions, only 20% of them actually deliver preterm. There is a need for a reliable test, which can identify the women at an increased risk and differentiate them from those who are not in danger of delivering preterm.
Actim Partus helps you determine the risk of preterm delivery. It is a fast and simple bedside test that can be used to estimate the ripeness of the cervix during pregnancy. A negative test result effectively rules out the risk of imminent or preterm delivery. Actim Partus does not require any additional equipment, and concrete results are immediately available. Patients with a positive result can be easily motivated to stay in the hospital, where they can be treated appropriately. A negative result, on the other hand, is a concrete and reassuring piece of evidence that hospitalization is not necessary.
Cervical phIGFBP-1 increases as the cervix matures
The level of phosphorylated IGFBP-1 (phIGFBP-1) in the cervix increases considerably as the cervix matures. In a study by Nuutila et al. it was demonstrated that the phIGFBP-1 level in a ripe cervix was higher than in an unripe cervix. The application of prostaglandin gel leads to a clear elevation of the phIGFBP-1 level in the cervix.
Cervical level of phIGFBP-1 vs. maturity of cervix Nuutila et al. 1999
Cervical Status
Median phIGFBP-1(µg/l)
Unripe cervix
Rip cervix
6th after PGE2 application
The phIGFBP-1 level in the cervix increeases as the cervix matures