We have been able to show that the Actim Influenza A&B test detects the currently circulating Influenza A H1N1 variant (swine flu).
The performance of the Actim Influenza A&B has been tested with a cultured and inactivated Influenza A (H1N1v) human specimen. This assures that also the suspected human Influenza A H1N1v cases can be tested with the Actim Influenza A&B tests.
Influenza is an acute, highly contanious viral infection of the respiratory tract. It is easily spread by aerosol droplets. Influenza can cause severe complications in children, the elderly, and in people with chronic health diseases. Common complications are bronchitis and secondary bacterial pneumonia. Influenza viruses are classified as types A, B and C. Influenza A is divided into subtypes according to differences in surface proteins (hemagglutinin, nauraminidase). An "antigen shift" causes a new subtype.
Specifically identifies a variety of Influenza subtypes