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for the medical professional.
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Actim Flu
Why Actim Flu?
Flu Detection & Diagnosis
Test Procedure
Downloads & Reference
CardioChek PA
Uryxxon Analyser
Clover A1
Biocard Celiac Test
FastCheck Allergy Tests
Actim Flu
Actim Prom
Actim Partus
Actim Fecal Blood
Products by Usage
Female Health
Urine Analysis
Allergy/ Intolerance
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I use the droppper bottles?
Can the dipstick be left in the sample to develop?
Do the results need to be read exactly at 10 minutes?
Should the intensity of the test lines be compared to the intensity of the control line?
What should be done if no control line appears?

How do I use the droppper bottles?
The dropper bottles should be kept upside down above the tube to ensure correct drop size. You can start dispensing the solution immediately, there is no need to discard the first drop.

Can the dipstick be left in the sample to develop?
The dipstick should be removed from the sample as soon as the liquid front becomes visible in the result window. Appearance of the liquid front in the result window indicates that enough sample has been absorbed by the dipstick. If the dipstick is left in the sample, the dipstick goes on absorbing the sample which in turn may lead into uncontrollable flow.

Do the results need to be read exactly at 10 minutes?
A positive result can be interpreted as soon as a line becomes visible in the result window, however a negative test must be confirmed at 10 minutes. As the immunochromatography reaction continues to develop over time, the lines may become stronger or even new lines may appear in the result area. These lines must not be interpreted as positive as they indicate analyte levels below the detection limit of the test

Should the intensity of the test lines be compared to the intensity of the control line?
The result is interpreted by observing the presence or absence of blue and black lines in the result area. No attention should be paid to the relative intensities of the control and test lines.

What should be done if no control line appears?
The control line confirms correct performance of the test. If the control line does not appear, the test result is invalid and should be repeated with another dipstick. BHR are here to help, and we welcome any feedback on any of our products. Should you have any questions regarding this, or any other product, please get in touch with us by email here and we'll get right back to you and post all relevant questions on this page.